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If you have a specific request, or would a personalized quotation, please send us an email.

In case of AOG or an emergency, you can reach us on +44 1243 755541 (phone) or +44 1243 755545 (fax), or send a priority e-mail to info@lekitech.com

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Leki Tech is an integrated part of the Leki Group of Companies


Privacy Policy

We take your data protection seriously. We process personal data and therefore we have adopted this privacy policy, which informs you of how your personal data is processed.

Leki Aviation and Leki Tech are data controller for the data that we collect concerning you and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation.

If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of personal data, you can do that by email to: DPO@lekiaviation.com or by phone +45 3251 9550.

Processing of personal data

Personal data is every kind of information which in some way can be assigned to you.

As a customer the following personal data is collected: Company name, name, title, phone number, email, vat and company website.

As a supplier and business partner the following personal data is collected: Company name, name, title, phone number, email, vat and company website.

When you make use of our website we collect and process different kinds of kind of information. This happens for instance by ordinary access to content, if you sign up for our newsletter, take part in contests or studies, register as a user or a subscriber, additional use of services or purchases through the website.

Normally we collect and process the following type of data: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP-address, geographical location, as well as which pages you click (interests). To the extent that you give your consent to and enter data yourself we furthermore process: Company name, your name, phone number, email, address, title, and payment information. Typically, this would be in connection with login creation or a purchase.

Recruitment policy

When receiving a job application and relevant appendices, the materiel will be read by the relevant manager with the purpose of answering and assessing the content in relation to a defined job.

Job applications and CVs are shared internally with relevant persons in the recruitment process and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the company.

Job applications and CVs are saved until the right candidate is found and the recruitment process has been completed - then it will be deleted. Should we wish to keep your application, CV and any appendices on file for future refernece we will ask for your consent to do so.

For unsolicited applications, the application and CV will be saved for a maximum of 3 months after which it will be deleted. Should we wish to keep your application, CV and any appendices on file for furture reference we will ask for your consent to do so.

If the application and CV are saved for more than 6 months, special consent of the candidate is obtained.


Personal data about customers is collected for the following purposes:

  • Processing your purchase and supply our services
  • Administration of your relationship with us
  • Personal data about suppliers and business partners is collected for the following purposes:
  • Processing purchases/services
  • Administration of your relationship with us
  • The data collected on our website is used to identify you as a user and show you the ads which will most likely be relevant to you, to register your purchases and payments, as well as to provide you with the services you have requested, for example to send you our newsletter. In addition to this we use your data to optimize our service and content.
  • Processing your purchase and provide our service
  • Satisfy your request concerning products or services
  • Improving our product and services
  • Adjusting our communication and marketing to you
  • Adjusting our partners communication and maketing to you
  • Administration of your relation to us
  • Meeting leagal requirements
  • Data minimization

We only collect, process and store the personal data necessary to fulfill our purpose. Furthermore, it may be determined by law, what type of data it is necessary to collect and store in connection with our business practices. The type and the extent of the personal data we process can be determined by the need to comply with a contract or any other legal obligation.

Data updates

Since our service depends on the fact that your data is correct and up to date, we ask you to inform us about relevant changes in your personal data. You can make use of the contact information provided above to inform us about your changes, then we will make sure to update your data. If we notice that any data is incorrect, we will update the data and inform you about this.

Storage period

The data is stored in the time span which is allowed according to the legislation, and we will delete it when it is no longer necessary. The time span depends on the datas character and the basis for the storage. According to this, it is not possible to state a general time span for when data is deleted.


Your consent to receiving newsletters and other relevant marketing material is voluntary, and you can withdraw it by contacting us at any time. Use the contact information above, if you require further information. Should you wish to unsubscribe from receving our newsletter or marketing material please use the link Unsubscribe on the relevant webpage.

Passing on data

In relevant cases data is given to e.g. banks, debt collectors, transport companies etc.

We will only pass on data such as company name, name, email and so on for other purposes, if you give your consent.

We only make use of data processors in EU or in countries, which can protect data properly.

Data concerning your website use, which ads you receive and click, your geographical location, gender and age segment et cetera, is passed on to third party to that extent that the data is known. You can find out the third parties we are dealing with in the section "Use of cookies" below. The data is used to focus the advertising.

Use of cookies

When you visit our website, information about you, which is used to adjust and improve our content and increase the value of the ads shown, is collected. If you do not want information about you to be collected, you should delete your cookies and refrain from visiting the website. You can see a list of what information is collected, their purpose in our cookie declaration here.

Cookies are stored on your computer, mobile phone or similar with the purpose of recognizing it, remember settings, make statistics and focus the ads. Cookies cannot contain damaging content, such as virus.

If you delete or block cookies ads will maybe become less relevant to you and occur more often. Furthermore, you risk that the website does not work optimally and that some content cannot be accessed.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file which is stored on your computer to keep track of what happens during your visit and to recognize the computer. A cookie only contains text, is not a program and cannot contain virus.

How to reject or delete cookies

You can always reject the use of cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your web browser. Where you find the settings depends on your browser. Note, that if you reject cookies many functions and services may become unavailable, because these functions and services are based on the website remembering your choices.

Cookies which you have previously accepted can easily be deleted. If you use a PC/computer with a recent web browser you can delete cookies by pressing CTRL + SHIFT+ Delete. If this does not work or if you use a Mac, find out what browser you use and then search for the relevant information on the distributor's website.

Remember: If you use more than one browser you need to delete cookies in all of them.

Third party cookies

This website does not contain cookies from third parties.

See our cookie declaration here

Your rights

At any time, you have the right to be informed of what data we process concerning you, from where we have collected it and what we use it for. You may also be informed about how long we store your data, and who receives data concerning you, to that extent that we pass on data in Denmark and to foreign countries.

If you request, we can inform you about what data we process concerning you. The access might be limited with respect to privacy protection, business secrets and immaterial rights.

You can make use of your rights by contacting us. You can find our contact information at the top.

If you think that the personal data we process concerning you is imprecise, you have the right to have it corrected. In that case you must contact us and inform us what the imprecision is and how it can be corrected.

In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This is for instance the case if you withdraw your consent. If you think that your data is no longer necessary to the purpose we collected it for, you can request it to be deleted. You can also contact us if you believe that your data is processed in contravention of the law or other legal obligations.

You can also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we examine whether the requirements are fulfilled, and if that is the case, we make the changes or delete as soon as possible.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You can also object to the processing of our passing of your data for marketing purposes. You can make use of the contact information at the top to object. If your objection is justified, we make sure to stop the processing of your personal data.

You can make use of data portability if you want your data transferred to another data controller or data processor.

On our own initiative, we delete your personal data, when it is no longer needed for the purpose we collected it for.

The following websites are owned by Leki Aviation A/S, VAT: DK14390871, Amager Landevej 278, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark: www.lekiaviation.com, https://my.lekiaviation.com.

The following website is owned by Leki Aviation subsidiary Leki Tech, Chichester Business Park, City Fields Way, Tangmere PO20 2FT, West Sussex, UK: www.lekitech.com.

Leki Aviation Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy


The objective of this Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery Policy is to state the requirements for business practice and personal conduct within Leki Aviation.

The purpose of the Anti-Bribery Policy 

Leki Aviation recognizes that corruption and other unethical practices undermine the support and confidence of its business environment (customers, suppliers and all other business relations), which is key to its business success.
In support of these principles, Leki Aviation has developed this Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy for countering corruption, bribery and other unethical behavior. Within Leki Aviation everyone is obliged to comply with both applicable laws and regulations and this Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy and all relevant policies and guidelines in the daily work.
If applicable laws and regulations require higher standards than this Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy, such standards must be followed.

Combating bribery and corruption

Corruption and Bribery undermine legitimate activities, distort competition, ruin reputations and expose Leki Aviation and individuals to risk.
Leki Aviation has a zero tolerance policy against bribery and corruption and will exercise all due efforts to secure that bribery does not occur in its business activities.

Bribery is a form of corruption consisting in the offer or the exchange of any improper advantage made to influence someone in the conduct of their duties, e.g. any gift, loan, fee, reward, credit, discount, travel, accommodation or other advantage between anybody working for or on behalf of Leki Aviation and any person external to Leki Aviation. 

A kickback is a form of bribery between private entities, inter alia, made with the purpose of winning a tender for a contract. In this situation, the person who shall award a contract or an order does not necessarily award it to the best bid or proposal, but rather to the payer of the kickback. A kickback in this situation is illegal even if the company, which pays it, presents the best bid and would have won the contract even without the kickback.

Leki Aviation will not pay or promise to pay any kickback in exchange for contracts/orders being awarded to a specific supplier. Furthermore, Leki Aviation will not promise, solicit, give or receive any advantage that can be seen to be in connection with the awarding of a contract, regardless of whether such advantage is exchanged before or after the contract has been awarded.

Political contributions are defined as financial or other kinds of support given to political parties and political campaign efforts, whereas charitable contributions are defined as contributions made to charitable causes or organizations. 

Leki Aviation does not support individual political parties or individual politicians. Employees in Leki Aviation may, however, exercise their private rights to participate in democratic political activities, provided that this is without any reference to or connection with their relationship to Leki Aviation.

Charitable contributions and community support as well as donations, e.g. knowledge, services exchange, or direct financial contributions are acceptable, provided that such donations are not given with the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or any other undue advantage. Leki Aviation employees must ensure, through due diligence and transparency, that charitable contributions and sponsorships are not used as a substitute for, and do not constitute, bribery. Consequently, such donations should only be given to organizations, not individuals. 

Complaints and reporting 

If an individual comes across cases of ethical doubts or breaches of Leki Aviation's Anti-Corruption Bribery Policy, these concerns must be reported immediately. Individuals may at their own discretion be reporting either through the regular channels to the Leki Aviation Quality responsible for the matter in which the issue occurs (provided that the matter responsible is neither the person reporting nor the subject of the report), or to the Quality Manager or part of Management of Leki Aviation. 
Employees who choose to report (whistleblowers) will not face reprisal.   
The person receiving such report shall duly examine and - to the extent relevant - escalate the matter through the regular channels. The Board of Leki Aviation shall have the ultimate power and responsibility to handle any matters, which cannot be solved at a lower level. 
The storage of information about the whistleblower(s) shall at all times abide by the applicable laws and regulations in force for the protection of personal information, inter alia, rules prescribing the deletion of information which is no longer of interest to the company.


No employee of Leki Aviation will be penalised or be subject to other adverse consequences for refusing to pay bribes, even if doing so may cause Leki Aviation to lose business or suffer any other negative consequence. Additionally, no employee will be penalised for raising questions about or reporting on unethical behaviour or corruption.
Failure to observe this Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy is a cause for disciplinary action, including dismissal or summary dismissal, and may be reported to the relevant authorities. 

Compliance and monitoring

This policy is adopted by the Board of Leki Aviation. The management of Leki Aviation will recurrently review and update this policy and monitor its observance by all managers/partners, employees and third parties' business partners acting on our behalf.

It is the responsibility of the management of Leki Aviation to communicate this policy and ensure that all employees and external parties working on behalf of Leki Aviation, within their area of responsibility, understand and comply with the aims and procedures of this policy.

Communication and Training 

Each employee will receive relevant training concerning compliance with anti-corruption laws, regulations, or standard conducts relevant for Leki Aviation's field of business.

Statement of Leki Aviation Policy For Drug Misuse

The policy of this company as it relates to drug misuse and abuse by employees performing safety-sensitive functions is as follows:

NOTE: These policies are not governed by DOT/FAA regulations, but are developed and enforced solely by Leki Aviation.

1. Any employee who tests Positive on a pre-employment drug test for Leki Aviation will not be hired.

2. Any employee working for Leki Aviation that tests positive on a drug test will be terminated.

3. Any employee who refuses a drug test will be terminated. Employees self-referring for drug related problem prior to being selected or prior to being sent for a reasonable suspicion drug test will not be terminated and may be sent to a substance abuse professional for evaluation at the employee's expense.

Updated Sept. 2024

Leki Tech Frontpage
About us
Leki Tech is a FAA, EASA, CAA-UK and TCCA approved 145 repair facility, and can bring in and work on products that are C5, C6 and C15 rated, taking in ATA chapters 21, 24, 25, 33, 35, 38, 44, 45, 50, 49 & 85. The company prides itself on being able to manage all aspects of repair projects, from conception to end product, through decades of experience and expertise.


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